
Ephedraceae as a Treatment for Hyperlipidemia and Hyperglycemia: An Experimental Study

The present study was carried out to evaluate the antidiabetic and anti hyperlipidemic activity of Ephedra in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. 40 male BALB/cArc Wistar rats aged eight to ten weeks (200 to 250 g) were randomly divided into 4 groups. No statistically significant difference was observed in body weight between the healthy group (A) and other groups before the trial. There was a significant differences between the diabetic and healthy groups. STZ injection was done in groups B and D, the mean blood glucose level increased notably in groups B and D on the 3rd day in comparison with other groups. The result shows that Ephedra extract can be used to control diabetes and absence of acute toxicity may offer a new hope to the diabetics in future.


Shojaie Mohammad, Hosseinpoor Masoumeh*, Jelodar Gholamali and Tavanaie Hoda

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